[2023 香港夏日男生髮型推薦] 5款人氣大熱之選,附髮品教學,5分鐘內可以完成 !

Luxignite Blog

[2023 香港夏日男生髮型推薦] 5款人氣大熱之選,附髮品教學,5分鐘內可以完成 !

Written by Martinez - Published on Jun 28, 2023


眼見好多明星名人個頭點解都可以Keep 得甘好,但我永遠都學唔到佢地一半,


[1] Side Part 側分頭

Side Part 即是「側分」,一般可以選擇 7-3 分或 8-2 分,是近幾年男士髮型界大熱之選 ,Barber界更係頭一兩款頭必選的,容易程度係因為Barber 會先係合適位置開界,分開左右兩邊,大家每朝只需整濕個頭分返兩邊就已經大致有個型係到,再用風筒加打底水鞏固返髮根位置,就可以用髮油或髮蠟塑造髮型


梳理 Side Part 造型的重點在於令頭髮貼服整齊並帶有油光效果,因此比較適合使用髮油類產品。

Side Part + Taper

Hair Cut by Wax@Old Soul Barber Shop

Side Part + Mid Fade

Hair Cut by AJ@One Tenth BarberShop

[2] 中間分瀏海燙髮 




middle fringe +PERM

Hair Cut by Daren@Men'sBash

[3] Crew Cut 寸頭 

Crew Cut髮型一向流於軍人的界別,但其實Crew Cut亦適合不同服裝造型,

小時侯的「平頭裝」,其實就是Crew Cut的初型,只是現在會注重兩側漸層Fading 令平頭裝不平凡。髮型主要是把頂部頭髮剪到剛好不彈開,一般約 1 寸長左右。視乎髮質軟硬而定,兩側可配合不同的漸層,比較普遍是 Skin Fade ,即貼近頭皮的漸層,讓整體外型變得乾淨俐落。

優點:整理造型非常容易,只要輕輕塗上 Pomade或輕髮泥 產品增加層次感,60秒即可出門!適合炎熱夏天。

缺點:因髮型較短,需要每兩個星期左右修短一次,其次因Skin Fade接近皮膚,會較容易被陽光照射,令頭皮出現紅腫

CREW CUT +Mid Fade

Hair Cut by Vic@The Gentry

CREW CUT +Skin Fade

Hair Cut by Harric@The Gentry

[4] Buzz Cut 平頭

Buzz Cut 比Crew Cut 更短更容易打理,更Skin Head 較為相似,只是頭底部份會比兩側更長,基本上沒有太多變化,只有一個字短,適合陽光男孩,主打身材健碩男生,不建議面形有肉男士,否則容易被誤會某國家金姓主席。

視乎髮質軟硬而定,兩側可配合不同的漸層,比較普遍是 Skin Fade ,即貼近頭皮的漸層,讓整體外型變得乾淨俐落。


缺點:因髮型比Crew Cut更短,造型上沒有太大變化,另外更Crew Cut需要每兩個星期左右修短一次,其次因Skin Fade接近皮膚,會較容易被陽光照射,令頭皮出現紅腫

BUZZ CUT +Skin Fade

Hair Cut by Aston@The Cave

BUZZ CUT +Skin Fade

Hair Cut by Ivan@The Cave

5. [Slick Back 油頭]

Slick Back 就是把賭神頭經典髮型,一般給人感覺油淰淰,污糟邋遢感覺,但經多年的演變,現在已多數配合不同的 fading 來展現時代感,就是所謂的 All Back + Undercut 了。




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It tastes delicious and aids with my sleep

But I must explain to you how all this mistaken idea of denouncing pleasure and praising pain was born and I will give you a complete account of the system, and expound the actual teachings of the great explorer of the truth

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But I must explain to you how all this mistaken idea of denouncing pleasure and praising pain was born and I will give you a complete account of the system, and expound the actual teachings of the great explorer of the truth

  • Serena Gon

    • Verified Buyer

It tastes delicious and aids with my sleep

But I must explain to you how all this mistaken idea of denouncing pleasure and praising pain was born and I will give you a complete account of the system, and expound the actual teachings of the great explorer of the truth

  • Rayul Mike

    • Verified Buyer

Great product! It helps my dad wake up well-rested

But I must explain to you how all this mistaken idea of denouncing pleasure and praising pain was born and I will give you a complete account of the system, and expound the actual teachings of the great explorer of the truth

  • Anna Chirstin

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